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Benefits of using LPGas in South Africa

by Tia

Due to the onset of loadshedding, many South Africans have increasingly turned to alternative energy sources to power their homes, businesses and the like. One of the best alternative sources of energy is Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).

LPG provides a safe, convenient and affordable source of energy for household’s applications such as cooking, water and space heating. Your family and employees will never have to worry about Load shedding and the high cost of electricity.  

LPG is regarded as an energy source that can assist in the eradication of global energy poverty. The benefits of LPG extends to, economic, environmental and health. LPGas in particular benefit the health of consumers; the climate; economic growth and social progress; resource efficiency; general efficiency; and the future of energy and sustainability.


LPG is a clean burning fuel which provides smoke free indoor cooking and can also help reduce outdoor and urban air pollution. WHO estimates that over 3.8 million people die prematurely each year due to illness attributable to household air pollution from cooking with solid fuels. There are over 27 million autogas vehicles in use today, which makes it the most popular alternative fuel to tackle emissions from road transportation.


The use of LPG produces less CO2 than coal, heating oil or petrol, emits virtually no black carbon or other particulates and is as clean as natural gas. The carbon footprint of LPG is 20 per cent lower than heating oil and 50 per cent lower than coal. Renewable LPG is increasingly available in many markets and can deliver up to 90 per cent carbon emission reduction. This is dependent on feedstock, production process and the calculation merged used.

Economic Growth and Social Progress:

LPG is a driver for economic growth, especially in rural areas and developing countries. It provides efficient, controllable energy that is easy to transport and store. It is estimated that four hours could be saved from daily cooking and firewood collection if LPG is used as a fuel. LPG employs millions of people internationally where 80 per cent of American farmers use LPG. It is an international resource shipped across the world which ensures security of supply.

Resource Efficiency:

An impressive 60 per cent of LPG produced is a co-product of natural gas and oil extraction and thus inherently resource efficient. LPG also plays a major role in reducing deforestation and desertification. LPG does not degrade and has a long shelf life and renewable LPG is made from renewable raw materials.


A billion people and businesses across the world count on LPG because it provides instant, reliable, constant, and transportable energy. LPG supply is not transported by pipeline which means its supply is less vulnerable. As well as being shipped, LPG can easily be transported and stored in cylinders and bulk tanks.

Future of Energy:

LPG is a key component of a sustainable energy future in cities and rural areas both in developed and developing countries.

LPG is safe to use, as long as it is used in accordance with appliance’s manufacturer guidelines and applicable safety regulations. To ensure the safety of consumers, LPGSA recommends and alerts the consumers about the importance of the following:

For a quick guides on LPG, use and safety follow LPGSA on all social media platforms.

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