Home » A-OSH EXPO 2024 brings knowledge to the industry

A-OSH EXPO 2024 brings knowledge to the industry

by Maurisha

The free-to-attend Saiosh Seminar Theatre, a regular feature at A-OSH EXPO, continues to bring learning opportunities to industry professionals seeking OSH solutions. Held at Gallagher Convention Centre from 11 to 13 June 2024, the seminar theatre forms part of the overall visitor experience, and is complemented by A-OSH EXPO’s co-location with Securex South Africa, Facilities Management Expo, and Firexpo.

“The Saiosh Seminar Theatre is populated with many topical and enticing topics, which cover the whole spectrum of occupational health and safety. We suggest that visitors carve out the whole day, or more, to enjoy the exhibitor products and services, the various free-to-attend seminar theatres at the co-located shows, the numerous visitor attractions, and of course, the Saiosh Seminar Theatre,” says Mark Anderson, Portfolio Director at Specialised Exhibitions — a division of Montgomery Group.

Anderson points out that there are 14 seminar sessions the Saiosh Seminar Theatre over the three days of the expo. Here’s a more in-depth look at three of the sessions:

  • Enhancing compliance, health and safety, and risk management through innovative software solutions. In this session, Yatish Singh — New Business Development Manager at OVS Solutions, will explore the crucial aspects of compliance, health and safety, and risk management in the workplace. He will discuss the challenges faced by organisations in maintaining adherence to regulations and mitigating risks effectively. Singh will highlight the role of innovative software solutions, such as Rapid Global’s workplace health and safety software, in facilitating compliance, improving safety measures, and enhancing risk management strategies. The session will provide real-life examples and practical insights on how organisations can leverage technology to streamline compliance processes, ensure a safer work environment, and proactively manage risks for long-term organisational excellence.
  • Blackline Safety G7c live demonstration, by Alan James Lewis — Managing Member of Trigas. The white paper by Blackline Safety titled ‘Data-driven safety — Protect people and improve efficiency’ will be the focus of the speaker. Covering topics such as making sense of IIoT and connected safety, layers of communication, a connected vs an unconnected response, and connected safety in action. A live demonstration forms part of the presentation, where the benefits of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are displayed in real-time.
  • Safety culture, semiotics and semantics. Why communication is critical to building a safer workplace, by Mathew Goncalves — co-founder and COO at Amber. Safety culture is a widely discussed and debated concept globally, with diverse interpretations. In this presentation, Goncalves will delve into its origins and offer practical guidance on adopting a human-centric approach to health and safety management. By focusing on clear communication, he’ll explore how simplifying our messaging can reshape discussions around risk. Through an understating of semiotics and semantics, safety professionals will learn to critically evaluate their communication strategy.

In addition to the Saiosh Seminar Theatre, A-OSH EXPO also hosts the free-to-attend Working at Height and Safety Seminar Theatre, in partnership with SafetyCloud. Topics include:

  • Demonstrations of a fall and rescue: practical skills to mitigate risk when working at height.
  • Emerging pathogens and challenges in microbiology testing in Africa.
  • First aid awareness: how to perform CPR in an emergency situation.
  • Discussing nutritional security and public health.
  • Essential strategies for emergency preparedness and response in the workplace.
  • FSSC development programme for small suppliers.
  • The role of AR/VR in occupational health and safety training.
  • The future of Rapid Microbiological Methods (RMMs) in enhancing food safety.
  • Hygiene and sanitation inspections: bridging the gap in Africa’s food industries.
  • The benefits of implementing online HSE training solutions.
  • Explore the latest technologies and methods for asbestos testing.

“The updated and full programmes are available on the A-OSH EXPO website — www.aosh.co.za — and on a QR code within the A-OSH EXPO Visitor Catalogue. In addition, boards containing the programmes can be found outside both the Saiosh Seminar Theatre and the Working at Height and Safety Seminar Theatre,” says Anderson.

Organisations wishing to exhibit at A-OSH EXPO 2024 can contact the A-OSH EXPO team on zelda.jordaan@montgomerygroup.com to book a space, or capitalise on a sponsorship opportunity.

Register online for free entry to A-OSH EXPO 2024: https://tickets.tixsa.co.za/event/a-osh-expo-south-africa-2024

Engage with A-OSH EXPO 2024 on social media using the show hashtag #A-OSH2024.

See some of the A-OSH EXPO 2023 highlights here https://youtu.be/vQT3ULRl4I4

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